♥Coming Soon! Slim Haven Adult Day Center♥
Slim Haven is in the process of developing a larger, safe daycare space for your adult loved ones. We are able to facilitate a limited number of people at this time.
We will provide adult day health services for 4 or more hours per day on a regularly scheduled basis, for 1 or more days per week, in an outpatient setting, encompassing both health and social services needed to ensure the optimal functioning of the individual.
Because this program will be run by John Denham, a former nurse specializing in geriatric nursing and psychiatric nursing, you can be assured that your loved one will be in a loving, caring environment while you are away. John will make sure that your Grandmother is taken care of the same way he would take care of his own grandmother.
Stay tuned to this page for further developments.
What Are Adult Day Centers?
Adult Day services are a system of professionally delivered, integrated, home and community-based, therapeutic, social and health-related services provided to individuals over the age of 18 to sustain living within the community.
Adult Day Centers are an invaluable resource for individuals and families dealing with dementia and other chronic health care concerns by offering health care services along with therapeutic recreational and social events on a daily basis. Adults of all ages in need of functional support attend Adult Day Centers to spend their days in a safe place while remaining at home in the evenings. Adult Day Centers provide needed comfort for participants and respite for family members and caregivers. Adult Day Centers provide safe, quality care for frail and vulnerable adults.
Adult day care, also known as adult day services (ADS), gives older adults individualized therapeutic, social, and health services for part of the day. For senior clients, these centers provide a coordinated program of professional and compassionate services in a community-based group setting. For their families, they offer respite from the demanding responsibilities of caregiving. Adult day programs aim to delay or prevent institutionalization by providing alternative care, enhancing self-esteem, and encouraging socialization. There are three general types of adult day centers:
Adult Social Day Services
Provide meals, recreation, arts and crafts, and some health-related offerings. These often include discussion groups and day trips – ideal for the active adult who does not have significant medical issues.
Adult Day Healthcare
More intensive health, social, and therapeutic services. The target consumers are seniors with significant medical issues and those at risk of requiring care at a nursing facility. Often, a registered nurse or other professional is on staff, as well as physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Signing up usually requires a medical assessment beforehand.
Specialized Day Cares
These are specific to certain patient populations, including those with developmental disabilities and dementia.
Unlike long-term care facilities, adult day centers generally operate during normal business hours five days a week, though some programs offer evening and weekend hours. Although each center may differ in terms of features, these general services are offered by most adult day centers:
- Social programming—interaction with other seniors in planned activities appropriate for their conditions
- Transportation—door-to-door service
- Meals and snacks – generally accommodating clients with special dietary needs
- Personal care—help with grooming, eating, restroom self-care, and other daily living activities
- Therapeutic activities—exercise and mental engagement for all participants